Accord Software, Inc.

Installing AccordSTAR

The following step by step instructions assume that you are using C-shell and the file was saved as /var/tmp/AccordSTAR.tar.Z

  1. Create a directory where you want AccordSTAR installed and cd to it. e.g.

        % mkdir /var/Accord
        % cd /var/Accord
  2. Uncompress and extract the product

        % uncompress /var/tmp/AccordSTAR.tar.Z
        % tar xpvf /var/tmp/AccordSTAR.tar
        x ./bin/starexec, 484 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x ./src/tutorial/tutorial16/serv_main.c, 409 bytes, 1 tape blocks
  3. It will display filenames as it proceeds. Do ls and you should see

        % ls
        bin/      include/       lib/      license/       src/
  4. Now setup your AccordSTAR environment variables STARSYS, STARHOME and STARLICENSE.

    STARSYS is used to identify each platform in terms of its Operating System, CPU Architecture and OS Version. Run starsys to find out what your specific system is and set the variable. i.e.

        % ./bin/starsys
        % setenv STARSYS `./bin/starsys`
    STARHOME is used to locate include, library and makefiles. Set up STARHOME environment variable to your target directory. The STARHOME path must begin with a slash.

        % setenv STARHOME /var/accord

    STARLICENSE is used to determine which instance of license server to use. License servers are known by their names. `uname -n` returns the hostname of the system which will be serving the license tokens. "demo" is an instance name of a license server.

        % setenv STARLICENSE demo@`uname -n`
  5. Add AccordSTAR bin and obj directories to your search path

        % set path = ($path $STARHOME/bin obj/$STARSYS)
  6. Start AccordSTAR license server(daemon) instance called demo. The message will be printed either in your Console window or your current window.

        % starlic -start demo
        starlic demo started.
  7. Test that everything is OK so far.

        % slq stargen
        Status Current user name    License   Token Type       For use by Time
        ------ -------------------- --------- ----- ---------- ---------- -----
  8. Install demo license, DEMO-0002, with 10 tokens. There is no need to call Accord Software, Inc. for demo licenses. You only need to enter "DEMO-0002" and "10". The rest is automatic.

        % slinstall -server demo stargen
        Installing stargen, part number ACRD-CSGN-SPRC-V1P0
        Please call Accord Software, Inc. at (508) 687-2320
        There is no charge for evaluation licenses.
        License number: DEMO-0002
        Number of license tokens: 10
        Your activation number is: WORK-HARD-PLAY-HARD
        Enter confirmation # : GOOD-NEAT-COOL-YES!
        License DEMO-0002 installed.
  9. Check that license is installed correctly by doing:

        % slq stargen
        Status Current user name    License   Token Type       For use by Time
        ------ -------------------- --------- ----- ---------- ---------- ------
        Free                        DEMO-0002    1  Common     Anyone    
        Free                        DEMO-0002    2  Common     Anyone    
        Free                        DEMO-0002    9  Common     Anyone    
        Free                        DEMO-0002   10  Common     Anyone    
  10. Before test driving tutorials, the starcc script needs to be edited to show how to invoke your C compiler.

    The starcc default is setup for GNU. i.e. gcc and cpp are in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib, respectively. If you are using something other than GNU, this file needs to be edited. Edit $STARHOME/bin/starcc to suit your particular environment.

  11. Now you are ready to test drive the tutorials. make(1) a single process application called "add" first and test it.

        % cd $STARHOME/src/tutorial/tutorial00
        % make clean
        rm -f obj/starsys/*.o obj/starsys/add 
            obj/starsys/add_clnt obj/starsys/add_serv
        % make obj/$STARSYS/add
        cc -o obj/starsys/main.o -Istarhome/include -c main.c
        cc -o obj/starsys/add.o -Istarhome/include -c add.c
        cc -o obj/starsys/add obj/starsys/main.o obj/starsys/add.o
        % add 3 5
        3 + 5 = 8
  12. Now turn your local function call to add.c into IFC by generating a distributed version of your add application and then test it.

        % make obj/$STARSYS/add_clnt obj/$STARSYS/add_serv
        cc -o obj/starsys/clnt_init.o -Istarhome/include -c clnt_init.c
        starhome/bin/stargen -Istarhome/include add.c
        add.c: obj/starsys/add_{clnt,serv,xdr}.o
        cc -o obj/starsys/add_clnt obj/starsys/main.o obj/starsys/clnt_init.o 
            obj/starsys/add_clnt.o obj/starsys/add_xdr.o -Lstarhome/lib/starsys 
            -lipf -lsocket -lnsl
        cc -o obj/starsys/serv_main.o -Istarhome/include -c serv_main.c
        cc -o obj/starsys/add_serv obj/starsys/serv_main.o obj/starsys/add.o 
            obj/starsys/add_serv.o obj/starsys/add_xdr.o -Lstarhome/lib/starsys 
            -lipf -lsocket -lnsl
        % add_serv &
        add_serv up and running
        % add_clnt 2 9
        add_clnt 2 9
        2 + 9 = 11
  13. Note: All distributed applications created using DEMO licenses have a life time of 30 minutes. If you want to run it again, do a "make clean" followed by a "make".

That's it! Play with it, learn, enjoy and have fun. If you encounter any problems please send e-mail to support.
[P-085] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.